Late November 2017 a new training premiered – “Agile at Scale, Inspired by Spotify”. The participants of this two day training came from all over Europe and North America. Since the training sold out long in advance, and the feedback was really positive, Jimmy and Joakim will offer the training again February 1-2 in Stockholm.

Joakim’s and Jimmy’s favorite Feedback Post-it was: ”I literally woke up at 2:00am thinking of how I can affect change in my company and couldn’t fall back to sleep!! 🙂

Other feedback:

“Very pedagogical and inspirational!”

“Very inspiring!”

“I can’t wait to start thinking what I will apply/tweak/convert…”

“Very comprehensible scaling info for the whole organization”

“Great level of detail and in-depth views!”

“Great storytelling by both Jimmy and Joakim”

There are still seats left and at the moment of writing, the early bird still applies.

Join us! Sign up for the training here.

“The Spotify Model” of agile at scale has been getting a surprising amount of attention in the agile community since it was first shared widely in 2012. The Spotify Engineering Culture videos have more than 500 000 views. It was never intended as a framework or a model, it was just a case study of the Spotify way of working at the time. That has not stopped a large number of organizations from copying or imitating the model, often without understanding what it was optimized for, what challenges it comes with or how Spotify has adapted and continued to evolve in the five years since.

Jimmy Janlén and Joakim Sundén, the teachers of the course, both have long experience from working at Spotify and have been involved in developing several of the concepts of “the Spotify Model”. During the two day training Jimmy and Joakim shared their experiences and viewpoints as independent agile coaches and trainers (not as representatives of Spotify).

Example topics covered in the training:

  • The rise of the Spotify model
  • How to build great autonomous teams (a.k.a. Squads)
  • Organisational structure to support the squads (Chapters, Tribes and Guilds)
  • The Spotify Rhythm & OKRs (Cross team, strategic business alignment and prioritization)
  • Team and Tribe leadership
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Competence and development frameworks
  • Culture, principles and values
  • How Scrum, Kanban and XP fits into the Spotify culture
  • Think It, Build It, Ship It, Tweak It – The Spotify Product Development Framework
  • Sharing and spreading knowledge
  • Transparency and communication
  • Challenges, lessons learned and failed experiments